Thursday, September 10, 2009

Now in San Diego - Authentic Brazilian Food with emphasis on the unique and varied dishes of Bahia - mostly made with Palm Oil (Dendê) that have been a favorite of tourists and locals alike. Katia Gidi and Marcia Da Silva are natives of Salvador-Bahia and bring their heart and knowledge from their cuisine to your event.

Catering - Private Parties - Events
Now available for immediate orders

Experience a taste of Brazil

Vatapá, Caruru
Abará, Acarajé
Moquecas, Bobó de Camarão
Xinxin de Galinha, Feijoada completa
Varied Desserts - Mousse de Maracujá' (Passion Fruit); Pave; Brigadeiro; Pudim de Leite; Cocadas
...and much more!

We will bring a piece of Brazil to it for 10 or 100

Be a part of the "Club" - events and special offers to be announced.

Membership is FREE - all you have to do is be just like our Acarajé and be in LOVE with Brazilian Food!!!

For additional information and/or to place an order, please e-mail Club do Dendê -

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